Online Learning Center Workshops

These workshops were designed to organize our curriculum around a series of topics that are vitally relevant to people at various life stages. Organizing these lessons into workshop format enables a more specific focus around life events that every individual is likely to encounter. This focused approach makes the lessons most appealing to the people who are currently facing or planning for those life events. From moving out and living on one’s own, to buying a car, to preparing for higher education, to career planning, to building great credit, to paying off debt, to investing – these workshops drill down on the most important financial circumstances and decisions individuals will meet across a lifetime. We encourage educators and students to use the workshops to focus personal finance education around the life goals and phases of most relevance to the learners, which will maximize the value and benefit of the instruction.

Why this course and Take Control Financial?

Growing up, I knew from a young age I either wanted to be a Stockbroker or a Banker.

I ended up becoming a Banker and focused on my day to day job, and didn't place enough focus on my growing portfolio.

I remember that feeling of working hard for years, and slowly putting my money away in my 401(K), only to see it drop to half the value in just a couple of months.

First it was the Dot Com crash followed by a dead decade of low returns.

Next it was the Great Financial Crisis.

My company stock had lost over 75% of value during the Great Financial Crisis. It was another decade of work down the drain.

I had a pit in my stomach and was stressed out for a couple of years.

After years as a commercial real estate finance specialist, I realized I should have seen the signs. I should have educated myself more. I could have seen it right there on the charts what was happening at the time, IF I KNEW WHAT TO LOOK FOR.

I decided after that experience I was going to TAKE CONTROL of my portfolio and get educated, and that I was not going to lose that kind of money in the stock market again!

After much research, dedication, hands on training, and education as a Certified Financial Education Instructor, I decided to start Take Control Financial.

I wanted to share with others what I've learned and I don't want others to go through what I have.

Nobody is going to care as much about our own money as we should ourselves.

It's time to get educated, take responsibility, and take control of our future!

Joe Gonzales


Certified Financial Education Instructor

Prebuilt Life Stage Workshops

Moving Out & Living On Your Own

Car Buying
Higher Education Financial Planning
Setting Up Essential Financial Accounts
Career Planning

Repaying Student Loan Debt

Calling All Homeschoolers!

Complete with downloadable, full color pdf Workbooks and Guides for each functional workshop.
Great for Home schooling!

Designed for High School to Retirement

Debt Elimination
Building Your Credit Rating
Building Your Financial Foundation
Investing and Personal Financial Planning

Managing Risk/Understanding Insurance

Home Ownership

This course is closed for enrollment.

Optional: Customize Your Learning Experience

You have the option to assess your current situation and generate a custom personal finance education plan. Your custom report will help you identify areas important to your financial wellness, action steps to consider and suggest the education lessons that will help you take effective action.

This portion of the course helps you identify and prioritize your financial education and plan so you can effectively work toward your goals. To complete the self-assessment simply answer survey questions on your finances, your custom plan will be generated to guide your education.